Monday, June 8, 2009


Here we have one of our Cowpatty fans SpiderDan! SpiderDan put this race car together (if you can actually call it that) for his daughter's school project! He threw a "CPN" sticker on that race car (box) and a #15 (dripping paint) for Jason Hamilton (honestly Jason, we had nothing to do with this). I gave Dan his name because I think he resembles Tobey McGuire a little bit? But after this poor excuse for a school project he did for his daughter...well Dan...I think you have more of a train wreck going there! I was able to lamely put you in your spidey suit which kinda matches the lame race car! I really like how your legs and body go different directions! I am kinda glad you didnt put Beer City on that deal! Here's to you SpiderDan, hoping you and Kirsten Dunst are able to put together SpiderDan 4! PRICELESS!

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